Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Reconsider Purity!

This post comes from something God has just been stirring in my heart in these last few minutes. And I pray that my frankness will serve as a glimpse of Gods truth & heart on this issue. And all I can give is a glimpse, because his purity and desire for it is so much greater than that of mine and He is completely different to me (HOLY).

RECONSIDER PURITY TODAY! before it is too late. I sit here and see the lust of our hearts. We are corrupt and we don't know it, or desire not to recognize it or we will be undone.

I say as a single person, "I desire purity!" and strive with all my heart to achieve this goal. But should there ever be a time when this Standard is allowed to lapse? Can I come up with any excuse or "reason" that will acquit me for a time that I might have a fling with the lust of this world. OF COURSE NOT! NOT NOW, NOT WHEN MARRIED, NOT EVER! But sadly I believe that Purity is considered to be something for the single. Can I say that this shouldn't be so. That it may be in fact more necessary for the married couple!

When someone is connected to their husband or wife, becomes one body, one flesh (MARRIAGE). Then chooses to give in to the lust of the flesh(yes this includes what is watched on tv & done behind closed doors, alone or together), they also defile their wife or husband. Their body is not their own because it belong to the other person.

I heard it said the other day, and believe it reflects the thoughts of this world (the church is not excluded), "it's ok for me to look at that because i'm married" & "I know that it's dodge, but its ok because they were married." HOW CAN ONE THING REPULSE ONE BELIEVE (single) AND BE OK FOR ANOTHER (married). MY KING IS NOT A GOD OF DOUBLE STANDARDS. I believe it is true that in marriage every thing is meant to be done with complete respect for the other person. 1 Peter 3:7 says this,

"Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat
them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious
gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers

It says, be considerate... and treat them with respect.

A marriage is a God ordained thing (brought into being because He wanted it). It is a reflection of what the relationship will be between God and his bride. You may save yourself for marriage, but when married you must act in the way that pleases God. God's marriage will be lived out in Purity and that is his desire for each person's marriage.

My frankness may seem to say that i believe this is an easy issue to resolve or that i have got it sorted. I do not know the struggles of marriage and don't think that it is easy. However, Reconsider Purity!, because God says in Romans 13:13&14,

"Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness,
not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and
jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not
think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature."

So choose to put to death the lust of the flesh, don't think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature, because you know that it is wrong.

I pray that God will help you to bring into His light (as in the daytime) your life, whether married or single, that you might understand God's standard of Purity and ask for His Grace to meet it.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

My Fam :-) ... well minus the dog and the bird

Here is a pic of my family. Taken just before Tom left for Thailand bout 3 months ago.

Friday, August 20, 2004

A New Freshness

When we begin to second guess people's intentions.

When we start to re-think the power of God that we have once know &
trade it in for something less than His All Powerfulness.

When we've lost our innocence & the world says that's the way it must

When we live with passion for our King less than a consuming

When He reigns in our hearts & rules over our lives.

Zechariah 7:9 - "This is what the Lord Almighty says: Judge fairly and honestly, and show mercy and kindness to one another."

In my heart something is happening. A freshness is coming. Honestly for far to long I have been cynical of both God & people. And i hunger once more for the innocence I've known. A heart that doesn't judge or second guess. But trusts and believes!

So I'm look to God's heart! Every time I sin. Every time I repent. I find forgiveness. God doesn't second guess my intentions. Or question my prior motives in my act of sin. Simply, He embraces me. My faults cease to matter anymore.


I don't know anyone who can forgive because they in themselves have the power. Even have of themselves a kind of love that could overlook fault. But I do know people who can do this. So what is the answer to this tension. The answer is - God's love. It is only God's love that can cause this. His Amazing love in us that can produces forgiveness.

And once more I want this to be!

So I'm resolving to let Him change me - my thinking & my heart.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

God's word late @ night... does He ever sleep?

God took these words from the pages of His Bible and really spoke them to me late the other night.


Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, I tell myself. I will praise the LORD as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God even with my dying breath. Don't put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When their breathing stops, they return to the earth, and in a moment all their plans come to an end.

But happy are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the one who made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He is the one who keeps every promise forever, who gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry. The LORD frees the prisoners. The LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts the burdens of those bent beneath their loads. The LORD loves the righteous. The LORD protects the foreigners among us. He cares for the orphans and widows, but he frustrates the plans of the wicked. The LORD will reign forever. O Jerusalem, your God is King in every generation! Praise the LORD!

Thats what I talking about :-)

Hey guys :)

I know its been along time. and I would like to say sorry to all those who have been waiting each day for me to write. I would even come to my blog and wonder when this guy was gunna write. "Why hasn't he posted yet....? ahhh.... he must be lazy!" and then I realised it was me... :-)

So here I am. WORRRD to you all!

It been a huge time of late. Since I've last posted we have had STAMPEDE (a highschool outreach event @ Church), which I believe went really well!

And I have started a new job. I've started at WORLD WIDE ONLINE PRINTING. With Peter from church. It is really a great job. Im going to be streached heaps in my design working there. Feeling it already. He is going to give me harder jobs as we go along to see what I can musta (you like that WORRRD?). So tomorrow is my fourth day there. Im in my second week, working Monday & Wednesday, 8:30-5:30!

Its school holidays so it means no doing schools ministry for 1 and 1/2 weeks more, unless we want to talk to the carpark. Doesn't really work that well. :-) just messing.

Im almost off to bed now... gotta get some sleep to get up early tomorrow. and crank some work.

May God bless you all!
Go hard in pursuit of our KING

Friday, June 18, 2004

I'm back by public demand :-)

Hey guys. It's been a long time between blogs... so i'll bring you up to speed :-)

WORK: Well for the most of this year i have been working at a place called Airs Technologies. A company that works on developing air pilot training material. It's been a good time working for a christian boss, but now i feel it's time to move somewhere else.

God is so faithfull and has provided me with a job in a field that i know im going to love. Working at World Wide Online Belmont. And for a Christian boss once again. In 2 weeks im making the big move... and it's exciting... i was alway really interested in graphic design and do the promo material for my Youth Group. (Peter the boss at WWOBelmont goes to the same church as me and does all the printing for Youth Group at cost price - such a blessing). So i will be starting of just getting print jobs ready i think and doing some basic layout and information changes, but will have plenty of opportunity to learn :-)

God is so looking after me.

MINISTRY: It is going great! I guess this is a good time to let you know exactly what me and the crew do.

In School: Ben(our youth pastor), Kym(our schools pastor), Ryan(my ministry mate), Cherub(the school chaplain), and myself run a few different things to see the Gospel spread in Thornlie Senior High School.

Every Tuesday us guys help run a class. The class is called "Study of Teaching". This is a class focused at students who have some interest in going on to be a teacher (or just thought it sounded like an easy class[but it isn't that]) :-) However it is a great class.

What we are doing is help facilitate a mentoring program. Us Christian guys and girls get the opportunity to mentor the yr11's and yr12's that are doing the class as they mentor yr8. It is such an awesome idea. We help them help kids in the school. While been given such a huge opportunity to share God with these Students.

Already through this class and our other contact in the school (for example: Core & State Youth Games) we have seen about 16 people come to know Jesus(ill check that number soon and make it accurate). Those people have become Christians in just about the last 6 months... thats another amazing thing God is doing. Putting us right in the middle of a mini-revival (that how our schools pastor Kym described it & i agree).

Every Thursday we run a lunch time meeting called CORE. It is seriously just CHURCH AT SCHOOL. It goes for their whole lunch time... 20 minutes :-) Out of those 16 students that have chosen to follow God, most of them have come to know Him at CORE. Almost everyweek someone gets saved. It is amazing what our AMAZING GOD is doing. Nothing can hinder His plans. And I'm sure He will get His reward for His suffering, He will have these students as his treasure. He deserves them.

FAMILY: My family is Great! I have such a good relationship with them all. They are all Christian and following the plans God has for their lives.
My Dad: The head of our house... A God fearing & following man. He is an Electronic Engineer... and alot more. He own 2 businesses - Digital Radio Systems & Wialki Electronic. One specialises in Radio communications and the other in Smart Battery-chargers and Power Supplies. My Dad is seriously a technological genius. And a fully anointed worship-leader. God uses him greatly.

My Mum: xoxo. She is the best Mum that I've ever had & if i ever had another one I'm sure she would still be the best! My Mum looks after me. If you stand by me for just one day... you can be sure my mobile will ring.. and you will hear me say "It's my Mum! :-)". I totally don't mind being labelled a mummies boy... especially when it is true. A definatly Godly mother who is beautiful on the outside, but so very beautiful on the inside. My mum is just like the lady in Proverbs 31:10-31.

My Bro: Tom - He is great. He is out on the mission field right now and will be for there next two years. He is an inspiration, because God has called him to Thailand and so that is where he has gone. He had just recently got back from YWAM Thailand in Chang Mai, where he was as a student in the DTS and has just 15 days ago gone back to staff it. Go Tom! Your apart of God's mighty move in Asia. - check out his blog @ http://www.tomdts.blogspot.com

My Sis: Camille - My beautiful Bruce (that is my affectionate name for her. I know it sound like a weird name. But that is why i call her that, it is a stark contrast to what she is really like... the most loveliest sista two brothers could ever have). Bruce is in her last year of High School at Thornlie Christian College. She is the School Captain there and serious from the marks she gets... the top of the class.

I am blessed with a family that has always followed Jesus & will never change it's ways. He is so faithful to us.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Testing this email post thingy

WORD! it works :)

PULSE! PULSE! Give us a wave!

I just got back from a weekend of sport, called State Youth Games. It was great.

Thornlie Church of Christ's team known as Pulse took out second place, only 34 points behind Whitford Church (last years champs). Thats just over one first place (30 points). With so many 3rd placings we were right up there.

We really gave it a good go and had great results. And were without doubt the loudest team there.

Hopefully we can go one up next year.


Friday, June 04, 2004

My Bro Inspired Me

Hey all,

Well my bro inspired me to start my own blog.
Seems to be a great thing to keep people up to date with what is going on.
And take this journey of life with other Christians. So may God bless you all.
